3 Pharmaceutical Companies Join the CATALIS Network


CATALIS is pleased to welcome the pharmaceutical companies Alexion, Lilly Canada and Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. to its Network of partners. These companies join the many industry partners committed to the Network, namely Abbvie, AstraZeneca, Bayer, BeiGene, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences Canada, GSK, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi, Takeda, and Vertex.

These pharmaceutical partners support CATALIS and the other members of its Network in its mission, which is to optimize Quebec’s clinical research environment and accelerate the development of innovative care for the benefit of the province’s patients.

Photo de Karen Heim, vice-présidente et directrice générale, Alexion Canada Pharma Corp“We’re thrilled to join the CATALIS Network in its efforts to accelerate Quebec’s clinical research footprint and bring innovative therapies to patients, faster. Patients living with rare diseases face an incredibly long diagnostic journey with limited or no treatment options available to them. Through the FAST TRACK program, we can significantly decrease the time it takes to launch and execute a clinical trial and ultimately bring new innovations and hope to patients and their caregivers.”

– Karen Heim, VP General Manager, Alexion Pharma Canada Corp.


Photo de Dr Sandy Henderson, vice-président, Affaires médicales Eli Lilly Canada


“Lilly is honored to join CATALIS Quebec, epanding clinical trial opportunities to patients and healthcare providers in Quebec. With this new partnership, we’re hopeful that we can simplify the approach to starting clinical trials and advance timelines with academic institutions in Quebec to increase opportunities for patients in the province to experience new molecules currently under research.”

– Dr. Sandy Henderson, Vice President, Medical Affairs Eli Lilly Canada




Photo de Dr Sandy Henderson, vice-président, Affaires médicales Eli Lilly Canada

“Novo Nordisk Canada is very pleased to be joining the CATALIS Network. We have an ambitious clinical program focused on delivering innovative treatment solutions to benefit patients and improve health outcomes for Canadians living with serious chronic diseases. We believe this partnership will enable us to accelerate the start of clinical trials, as well as increase patient recruitment and referrals in Quebec.”

– Vince Lamanna, Senior Vice President & President, Novo Nordisk Canada Inc.



