
The Chaudière-Appalaches Integrated Health and Social Services Centre Authorized a First Clinical Trial in 8.4 Weeks With the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service and Recruited the First Canadian Participant

The Chaudière-Appalaches Integrated Health and Social Services Centre Authorized a First Clinical Trial in 8.4 Weeks With the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service and Recruited the First Canadian Participant    The very first collaboration between the Chaudière-Appalaches Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (integrated health and social services centre or CISSS) and CATALIS’ FAST TRACK Evaluation Service has been

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Bayer: The CHUM Was Ranked First in the World After Using the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service for the First Time

Bayer: The CHUM Was Ranked First in the World After Using the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service for the First Time   The Bayer pharmaceutical company used the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service for the first time to accelerate the authorization of its PAnTHA advanced prostate cancer trial at the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) in 10.4 weeks, with site

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A New Brand Identity for the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service

Almost 2 years after its inauguration, the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service is unveiling a new brand identity. Officially launched by the CATALIS Network in September 2022, the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service aims to authorize clinical trials in ≤ 8 weeks. We are pleased to announce that, to date, the service has enabled the authorization of 37 clinical trials conducted by

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BeiGene: A First Trial Authorized With a Median Time of 8.1 Weeks

BeiGene: A First Trial Authorized With a Median Time of 8.1 Weeks   Thanks to CATALIS’ FAST TRACK Evaluation Service, the BeiGene pharmaceutical company accelerated the authorization for its trial on chronic lymphoid leukemia (BGB-11417-301) in 3 Quebec hospitals with a median time of 8.1 weeks. In fact, the CHU-Sherbrooke authorized the trial in 7.8 weeks and became the first site

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GSK Authorized 3 First Trials With a Median Time of 8.4 Weeks and Activated the First Site Globally

GSK Authorized 3 First Trials With a Median Time of 8.4 Weeks and Activated the First Site Globally    Thanks to CATALIS’ FAST TRACK Evaluation Service and its participating healthcare institutions, the GlaxoSmithKline Inc. (GSK) pharmaceutical company was able to accelerate the authorization of three clinical trials, with a record median time of 8.4 weeks. The Galaxies 202 trial, which

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First Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company Trial Authorized With a Median of 8.2 Weeks Using the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service

First Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company Trial Authorized With a Median of 8.2 Weeks Using the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service    For the first time, the Pfizer pharmaceutical company used CATALIS’ FAST TRACK Evaluation Service to authorize a complex Phase Ia/Ib oncology clinical trial, meaning a master protocol that includes several sub-studies. In this study, Pfizer is assessing the effectiveness of a

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Catalis in Support of the Quebec Government’s Policy on Rare Diseases

CATALIS in Support of the Quebec Government’s Policy on Rare Diseases   On June 6, the Quebec government unveiled its Politique québécoise pour les maladies rares (Quebec policy on rare diseases – in French only). In Quebec, 700,000 people with rare diseases, half of whom are children, face significant challenges such as errors in diagnosing their disease and the absence

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MASter-1 Study: Authorization in 8 Weeks to Explore a New Treatment for an Extremely Rare Disease

MASter-1 Study: Authorization in 8 Weeks to Explore a New Treatment for an Extremely Rare Disease   As mentioned in our December 2022 newsletter, CATALIS is proud to support the Quebec government’s Politique québécoise sur les maladies rares (Quebec policy on rare diseases – in French only), namely by allowing studies to be activated more quickly thanks to its FAST

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STRENGTH Study: Zolgensma for Children Aged 2 to 12 With Spinal Muscular Atrophy

STRENGTH Study: Zolgensma for Children Aged 2 to 12 With Spinal Muscular Atrophy   In October 2021, Minister Dubé announced that Zolgensma, a drug produced by the Novartis pharmaceutical company, was added to the list of drugs offered in Quebec health facilities to treat children under the age of 2 with spinal muscular atrophy. Spinal muscular atrophy is a rare

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NEPTUNUS-2 Study: Sjogren’s Syndrome Clinical Trial Approved in 8 Weeks via CATALIS’ FAST TRACK Evaluation Service

NEPTUNUS-2 Study: Sjogren’s Syndrome Clinical Trial Approved in 8 Weeks via CATALIS’ FAST TRACK Evaluation Service   As mentioned in our December 2022 newsletter, CATALIS is proud to announce that its FAST TRACK Evaluation Service continues to allow industry-financed studies to be authorized in record time. In NEPTUNUS-2, a phase III study, Novartis and Dr. Isabelle Fortin are testing the

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ONWARDS Study: Authorization in 9 Weeks for Symptomatic Osteoarthritis of the Knee Study via CATALIS’ FAST TRACK Evaluation Service

ONWARDS Study: Authorization in 9 Weeks for Symptomatic Osteoarthritis of the Knee Study via CATALIS’ FAST TRACK Evaluation Service   In addition to the 3 rare disease studies, a 4th Novartis study on symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee was authorized by the Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke (CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS) in record time via the CATALIS FAST TRACK

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Sanofi Pharmaceutical Company’s First Clinical Trial Approved Through CATALIS Quebec’s FAST TRACK Evaluation Service

Sanofi Pharmaceutical Company’s First Clinical Trial Approved Through CATALIS Quebec’s FAST TRACK Evaluation Service   Following Novartis, Boehringer, and Roche, Sanofi is now CATALIS’ fourth pharmaceutical partner to pilot its FAST TRACK Evaluation Service. Sanofi’s Phase I-ll study, which uses human subjects for the first time and is designed to assess the safety and the pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and antitumor activity

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Roche Pharmaceutical Company’s First Clinical Trial Approved Through CATALIS Quebec’s FAST TRACK Evaluation Service

Roche Pharmaceutical Company’s First Clinical Trial Approved Through CATALIS Quebec’s FAST TRACK Evaluation Service   Thanks to CATALIS’ FAST TRACK evaluation service, Roche’s ProHer multi-centre study, which explores a new treatment method for patients with breast cancer, was approved in 10 weeks by the CHU de Québec-Université Laval. More specifically, this study seeks to discover patients’ preference for at-home administration

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Two New Projects Successfully Authorized Within Seven Weeks Thanks to CATALIS QUEBEC’S FAST TRACK Evaluation Service

Two New Projects Successfully Authorized Within Seven Weeks Thanks to CATALIS QUEBEC’S FAST TRACK Evaluation Service   While the first-ever FAST TRACK evaluation service pilot project was successfully completed last December, CATALIS is proud to announce that two more clinical trials have now been approved in record time. The second FAST TRACK evaluation service coordinated a Phase I oncology study

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A First Successful Pilot Project for CATALIS’ New FAST TRACK Evaluation Service: 4 Quebec Institutions Ranked in the Top 5 of the World’s Fastest Sites

A First Successful Pilot Project for CATALIS’ New FAST TRACK Evaluation Service: 4 Quebec Institutions Ranked in the Top 5 of the World’s Fastest Sites   CATALIS is very proud to announce that the first pilot of its new FAST TRACK assessment service has successfully reduced the approval time for an industry-financed clinical trial by almost 75%.  In September 2021,

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CATALIS Is Piloting Its New FAST TRACK Evaluation Service

The CATALIS Public-Private Network has developed a new FAST TRACK evaluation service that will eventually allow industry-funded clinical trials to be authorized in less than 8 weeks.