FAST TRACK Evaluation Service

Logo du Service d'évaluation ACCÉLÉRÉE de CATALIS en couleur et en anglais


The CATALIS Network’s new FAST TRACK Evaluation Service aims to authorize clinical trials in ≤ 8 weeks, a reduction of nearly 75% of the standard authorization time.

Through the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service, CATALIS hopes to contribute to the optimization of the clinical research environment in Quebec and to the acceleration of the development of innovative treatments, for the benefit of patients.

Since the end of the pilot of the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service, CATALIS continues the launch of this Service with the pharmaceutical companies in its Network and the 15 participating healthcare institutions.

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*This number does not include all ongoing clinical trials within the Service, only those whose sites have been activated.


CATALIS Network Reacts to the Success of the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service


“The FAST TRACK Evaluation Service’s first pilot project is a tangible benefit resulting from our life sciences-focused efforts and our government’s strategy to attract more clinical trials and private investment to Quebec. The CATALIS Network proves that it is possible to be innovative in a highly competitive international environment. We are proud to support its efforts to position Quebec on the world stage of clinical research. It’s thanks to the collaboration of our researchers that our life sciences sector is performing well and achieving scientific breakthroughs that are transforming the lives of the Quebec population. CATALIS is one of the organizations that have made this success possible by making clinical research in Quebec more effective.” – Pierre Fitzgibbon, Minister of the Economy, Innovation and Energy, Minister responsible for Regional Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Metropolis and the Montreal Region






“Pfizer is pleased to be a member of the CATALIS Network and to have carried out its first project through the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service. Given the critical need to offer new treatments to patients more quickly, the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service allowed us to significantly reduce the time it took us to launch our study while greatly simplifying the logistics inherent in the process. We really hope to repeat this success in future collaborations with the CATALIS Evaluation Service.” – Mona Maroun, Director, Clinical Site Management, Pfizer Canada






Pierre Fitzgibbon



I’m very impressed with Quebec’s determination to drive change and accelerate clinical research for those living with rare diseases. The Quebec policy on rare diseases reinforces the importance of speed and effectiveness of clinical trials to address the urgent need for patients to have access to potentially lifesaving treatments. Our collective efforts must strive to include access to these innovative treatments at time of Health Canada approval. I’m thrilled to continue working with CATALIS to focus our efforts on breaking barriers to advance research that can positively impact the lives of patients and their families.” – Andrea Marazzi, Novartis Canada Country President







“I was thrilled to learn that we were able to significantly reduce the ProHer multi-centre study’s authorization time thanks to CATALIS’ FAST TRACK Evaluation Service. In a world where patient recruitment is competitive, the opportunity to join forces with our institutions to speed up our timeframes means that Canadian patients have the opportunity to access innovative treatments through our clinical trials. We are working to achieve better outcomes for even more patients, and the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service is an essential component which allows us to fulfill our organization’s ambition.” – Christina Archer, Former Clinical Operations Portfolio Leader, Hoffmann-La-Roche








“Our first experience with CATALIS’ FAST TRACK Evaluation Service was a huge success. For a Phase I trial in oncology, we reduced our average launch time by two-thirds and attained two global ‘firsts’: the first site to be launched and the first preselected patient! We look forward to future victories and even faster launches with CATALIS.” – Stéphanie Veyrun-Manetti, Sanofi Canada General Manager, Specialty Care and Country Lead, Canada









“We value our partnership with CATALIS Quebec because we work together to achieve our common goal, which is to speed up clinical trials so that those who need them can access treatments more quickly. Thanks to the implementation of the FAST TRACK Evaluation Service, we have been able to optimize the launch times of our clinical trials in many sites in Quebec. This achievement not only positions Quebec as a prime location for clinical research, contributing as such to healthcare innovation in a highly competitive global environment, but it also solidifies GSK’s commitment to improving patient outcomes and advancing medicine.”– Sridhar Venkatesh, President and General Manager, GSK Canada Commercial







“Bayer Canada is very fortunate to have collaborated with CATALIS to achieve first patient first visit globally for this important study at Dr. Fred Saad’s site in Montreal. With CATALIS and the CHUM, we were able to showcase the speed with which we can activate studies in Quebec, and ultimately deliver novel radiopharmaceutical medicines to patients with urgency. Bayer considers CATALIS an integral partner in helping us efficiently advance our assets through the clinical development phases and offer novel treatment options to Canadian patients.”– Alison Batty, Head Site Management Canada, Bayer








“The FAST TRACK process in Quebec has demonstrated a strong commitment to revolutionize the clinical trial start up process with the aim to accelerate clinical development and expedite access to innovative medicines for patients.  Boehringer Ingelheim Canada Ltd. is excited to see the success of the Quebec-based FAST TRACK Evaluation Service, which is an important collaboration endeavor that places the province in a favorable position globally to attract clinical research, and especially early clinical research.” – Gabriel Kim, Vice President, medical and regulatory affairs, BI Canada Ltd






Qualified Sponsors



The Participating Healthcare Institutions




If you are a pharmaceutical company and are interested in learning more about this service, please write to us at: