2 Patient Organizations Join the CATALIS Network  


New organizations join the CATALIS Network: Asthma Canada and Kidney Cancer Canada. They join more than 30 patient organizations and patient partners who represent the patient’s voice within the Network and contribute to CATALIS’ mission of optimizing clinical research in Quebec, in order to accelerate the development of innovative patient care for everyone’s benefit.


Portrait de Jeffrey Beach, président et PDG d'Asthme Canada“Asthma Canada is proud to partner with Clinical Trials Quebec and CATALIS Quebec. It’s imperative to us that people living with asthma in Quebec and across Canada are aware of clinical trial opportunities, and this partnership will help connect more patients to these opportunities. Equally vital is enhancing knowledge and sharing evidence-based information that helps patients and caregivers make informed choices about clinical trial participation and treatment options. We are also excited about the advancements in asthma treatment that will be impacted by clinical trials for the benefit of today’s patients and those of future generations as we continue to work towards our vision of a future without asthma.” – Jeffrey Beach, President & CEO, Asthma Canada

Portrait de Christine Collins, directrice exécutive, Cancer du Rein Canada“Over the past eight years, treatment options for kidney cancer have increased and survival rates for kidney cancer patients have improved – thanks to clinical trials. At Kidney Cancer Canada, we encourage patients to ask about clinical trials and want to provide them with the tools to facilitate that conversation with their oncologist. We are excited to partner with CATALIS, whose mission is to optimise the clinical research environment by accelerating, facilitating, and increasing the number of clinical trials in Quebec. They have developed a patient-centric tool that allows patients to search for trials and helps them along the way. We are strong advocates of shared decision-making, and our partnership with CATALIS is another step in helping our Quebec community start conversations with their doctors about their treatment options.” – Christine Collins, Executive Director, Kidney Cancer Canada 
